Monday, March 2, 2020

march 2020

Here's some last process shots to conclude the month. This month was crazeh because of covid-19 disease, and I came back from college to my home again. And even with this and all the college beginning thing, I was able to work a lot. I can finally, of all the monthly posts I did in this blog history, say that I produced as much as I wanted, and I can feel somehow proud of myself.
But It doesn't mean I did as much as I could have done, because now I know that I can do even more. So the challange waits for the next month, I'll try to bring more studies and finalized paintings here. 

color studies from some artists I admire

anatomy sketchesss

One done

Sum wipssss
quick still life, this switch is dawmn croocked bro 
applying stuff 

Design readyyyy, time to paint this little beauty

Studying the soft edges aproach of painting

Redesigns from an old art o'mine, which I will paint all over again

Some frame studies from zelda botw and league, trying to learn different composition setups  to my illustrations

One more, gotta try new stuff from now on

More of them, god knows I'll be able to grind all the 151

And some pokemons for warm-up today!! 

interrupted light study for my next painting 

values and render study stufff 

dealing with some color and light studies

lofi mannnnn
some frames from stuff I enjoy, including the awesome art of alberto mielgo

Kiki and Jiji done! With sunrise colors, the hardest palette to deal with in my opinion. Now let's move to chihiro 


thumbnails for my kiki poster :D

lighting and construction studieees

                                              Little photo study, loved the vibe of this photo

                                                           Some rythm quickies

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